Terms and Conditions

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BY USING THIS WEBSITE datafirsts.com, YOU AGREE TO BE CONTRACTUALLY BOUND BY THE FOLLOWING TERMS OF USE AGREEMENT (the “Terms of Use”).  In these Terms of Use, the term “site” refers to any of Access to the Site is offered to you by the datafirsts.com on the condition that you accept without modification the terms, conditions and disclaimers contained herein. Your use of the site and the content therein constitutes your agreement to all such Terms of Use. Any personal information collected, used or disclosed by the datafirsts.com through the site is subject to the datafirsts.com’ Privacy Policy. By agreeing to these Terms of Use, you consent to the collection, use and disclosure of personal information in accordance with our Privacy Policy. The Terms and Conditions of Use related to your Account, as defined herein below, form an integral part of, and are incorporated by reference to, these Terms of Use and can be accessed by clicking here.

Warranty Disclaimer :

The datafirsts.com intend for the Content on the site to be accurate and reliable, however, the site and the Content are provided to you on an “as is” and “as available” basis and without warranty or condition of any kind, whether express or implied. In particular, the datafirsts.com do not control the Content posted by users on the site and make no representation or warranty whatsoever regarding the accuracy or completeness of any data or information accessible on or through the site. Furthermore, to the fullest extent permissible pursuant to applicable law, the datafirsts.com, their respective affiliates, and their respective officers, directors, employees, affiliates, suppliers, advertisers, representatives and agents disclaim all warranties and conditions, express, implied, legal or statutory, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of title, quality, non-infringement, freedom from computer viruses, warranties arising from course of dealing or course of performance, merchantable quality and fitness for a particular purpose. The datafirsts.com expressly disclaim any representation or warranty that the site will be free from errors, viruses or other harmful components, that communications to or from the site will be secure and not intercepted, that the services and other capabilities offered from the site will be uninterrupted, or that its content will be accurate, complete, adequate or timely. The site offer various forms of Industrial, Professional, Products & Service Providers information and are designed for informational purposes only.

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