About Us

welcome to datafirsts.com ... datafirsts.com is an Online B2C Directory Providing Accurate Information About Commercial, Professional, Product & Services. Your Advertise is Displayed On the datafirts.com Platform Through Google Ads. If Google Ads Considers datafirsts.com to be the Best Source for Your ads, why not you! For more information - IZ Infoserve : 7874454135, 7984425373. mail : admin@datafirsts.com You Can Also Download Android Version from Our Website. Thank You…

datafirsts.com is a leading Local Search Online Platform for Commercial, Industrial, Professionals and Services. We at datafirsts.com that connects consumers and Merchants means (B2C) Business to commercial Services. datafirsts.com help to users to make easy decisions about their Needs.

“datafirsts.com” is a unique & Genuine B2C (Business to Commercial)  Platform that Commercial, Industrial, Professionals and  Services available  under one roof. We deliver best updated information.

It also helps businessman to increase their listing and visibility online. We are redefining the way  of information about Commercial, Industrial, Professionals & Services. is accessed. “Datafirsts” Online Directory  has all the updated details of the best Commercial, Industrial, Professionals & Services.

“datafirsts.com” is an online platform that helps people find Commercial, Industrial, Professionals & Services.  The platform allows the public to search different Commercial, Industrial, Professionals & Services based on their need, location, Products, Services or Professions. We help our users search through thousands of Commercial, Industrial, Professionals & Services details, reviews and give them the most relevant information about each Commercial, Industrial, Professionals & Services they come across.

We understand that your search is very important and we want to help you find the best search for Commercial, Industrial, and Professionals & Services.

“datafirsts.com” is an online platform that helps people find Commercial, Industrial, Professionals & Services.  The platform allows the public to search different Commercial, Industrial, Professionals & Services based on their need, location, Products, Services or Professions. We help our users search through thousands of Commercial, Industrial, Professionals & Services details, reviews and give them the most relevant information about each Commercial, Industrial, Professionals & Services they come across.

We understand that your search is very important and we want to help you find the best Commercial, Industrial, and Professionals & Services.

Why We are :

  • Experienced Management & Strong Database & IT Service Team.
  • Large Number of Online Users of Datafirsts.com
  • Highest Ratio of Satisfied Customers.
  • Latest Technology Enabling Growth.
  • Services Offered across various cities of Gujarat.

Our Team :

“datafirsts.com” is managed and operated by “IZ INFOSERVE” – a start up with a varied and experienced founders in the field of advertising & promotional industry, informative database industry as well Infotech Front end & Back end Process means database to Programming & Designing Process. So we are not dependable on anybody in our Operations.

Our Vision :

Better data Better result

Datafirsts.com’s Vision Statement is “Commited to Growth with Responsibility.”

Our Mission :

Everybody has the right to access high-quality database. Sometimes, we have better Commercial, Industrial, Professionals & Services   available around us but we do not have their information. If we have their information, we are not assured about their availability, reviews and other important criteria. If we have all these information, we may still lack comparative analysis with other similar data. That’s why we design “datafirsts” – one click solution for all your Commercial, Industrial, Professionals & Service’s needs.

Our mission is to help in building a wealthy nation by connecting people to the best Commercial, Industrial, Professionals & Services.